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St. George’s Catholic Primary School

St. George’s
Catholic Primary School

Our School Golden Rules

Parents often find knowing the school behaviour code useful so that they can be referred to at home if necessary. The rules are:

1. In everything we do today, we’re following Jesus and His way
2. We listen to all adults
We do what they ask us to do and we don’t interrupt or answer back.
3. We walk around the school quietly and sensibly
We walk on the left hand side of the corridors. We don’t come into the building at break time or lunchtime unless we have permission from an adult.
4. We work hard and try our best
We don’t distract others.
5. We are gentle
We keep our hands and feet to ourselves.
6. We are kind and respectful
We treat others how we wish to be treated. We choose our words carefully and we always say sorry and forgive one another. We always tell the truth.
7. We play together nicely
We let others join in our games. We don’t leave anyone out.

St. George’s Catholic Primary School
Gordon Road, Enfield EN2 0QA

Tel: 0208 363 3729
Fax: 0208 367 2275