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St. George’s Catholic Primary School

St. George’s
Catholic Primary School

Year 6 Walking Home

Parents of year 6 children regularly inform us that their children wish to walk home, or catch the bus home, on their own. Not only are year 6 regarded as mature enough to make such a journey, it is also ideal preparation for travelling to their secondary schools next year.

In order for this to be permitted, we have introduced a simple risk assessment that we require parents to complete, with your child, so that they can be fully aware of what to do should a problem occur on their journey. It is an exciting opportunity for them, but it does have risks and we need to take our roles in safeguarding our young people seriously. The risk assessment can be downloaded below, and returned (paper copy or email) to the school office.

We recommend that children have a mobile phone if they are going to walk home, and that their emergency contact and the number for the school are easily accessible, for instance, saved as favourites. Children should always know that if a problem presents itself, returning to school may be the quickest option and that they should go to the Cheviot Close entrance. Please take time to show them where the school intercom is on the Cheviot Close gate.

We also ask that you indicate the child’s usual route home on a map. This has proved invaluable when needed, allowing us to pinpoint any child who has not arrived home as expected. Your assistance in this is greatly appreciated.

St. George’s Catholic Primary School
Gordon Road, Enfield EN2 0QA

Tel: 0208 363 3729
Fax: 0208 367 2275