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St. George’s Catholic Primary School

St. George’s
Catholic Primary School

Year 2 - Spring


Number and place value for numbers up to 100.

Addition and subtraction of 2 -digit numbers and addition of three 1- digit numbers (including addition and subtraction of money).

Properties of 2D and 3D shape.

Multiplication and division within the 2, 5 and 10 times table and recognising odd and even numbers.

Measurement involving capacity and mass.

Statistics- collecting data and creating pictograms, tally charts and bar charts.

Fractions of shapes and of numbers ( ½, ¼, 1/3, ¾).


Reading and comprehension.

Writing – Traditional Tales, Great Fire of London.

Dictionary Skills.

Punctuation (full stops, capital letters, exclamation marks, question marks, commas, apostrophes).

Grammar- verbs, adverbs, nouns, adjectives, past and present tense, possession, suffixes, compound words.

Types of sentences – command, question, statement and exclamation.

Sentence connectives – because, and, if, but etc.

Speaking and listening – hot seating and role plays.

Joined cursive handwriting.

Spellings – long vowel sounds, high frequency words and Year 2 common exception words.


Materials shaping up: How materials can be changed.

Materials Good choices: Looking at materials for different purposes

Design and Technology

Linked to Literacy – Fairytales. Making Fairytale hand puppets puppets and evaluating own work.


Significant event in History – The Great Fire of London.

Recount of the event.

Non chronological report writing.


The United Kingdom and London – Famous landmarks and the River Thames. Map skills and grid referencing.


To learn how emails work.  Learn how to open and send an email.  To concentrate on the coding and control element of the national curriculum.

Research for geography and history.


Picture This – painting.  3D modelling and collage work.  London topic work.


Singing: develop repertoire of songs including songs about London. Develop circle games. Learning the Tin Whistle.

P.E. & Games

Dance: explore moods, feeling, respond to music.  Gymnastics-Linking and repeating actions on floor and apparatus, work on different heights and levels.  Simple games in pairs and teams.

Religious Education

The Good News.  The Mass.


Learn about a famous Spanish festival ‘San Fermin’. Days of the week, months of the year and seasons. Weather vocabulary and phrases.

St. George’s Catholic Primary School
Gordon Road, Enfield EN2 0QA

Tel: 0208 363 3729
Fax: 0208 367 2275