Year 2 - Spring
Mathematics |
Number and place value for numbers up to 100. Addition and subtraction of 2 -digit numbers and addition of three 1- digit numbers (including addition and subtraction of money). Properties of 2D and 3D shape. Multiplication and division within the 2, 5 and 10 times table and recognising odd and even numbers. Measurement involving capacity and mass. Statistics- collecting data and creating pictograms, tally charts and bar charts. Fractions of shapes and of numbers ( ½, ¼, 1/3, ¾). |
Literacy |
Reading and comprehension. Writing – Traditional Tales, Great Fire of London. Dictionary Skills. Punctuation (full stops, capital letters, exclamation marks, question marks, commas, apostrophes). Grammar- verbs, adverbs, nouns, adjectives, past and present tense, possession, suffixes, compound words. Types of sentences – command, question, statement and exclamation. Sentence connectives – because, and, if, but etc. Speaking and listening – hot seating and role plays. Joined cursive handwriting. Spellings – long vowel sounds, high frequency words and Year 2 common exception words. |
Science |
Materials shaping up: How materials can be changed. Materials Good choices: Looking at materials for different purposes |
Design and Technology |
Linked to Literacy – Fairytales. Making Fairytale hand puppets puppets and evaluating own work. |
History |
Significant event in History – The Great Fire of London. Recount of the event. Non chronological report writing. |
Geography |
The United Kingdom and London – Famous landmarks and the River Thames. Map skills and grid referencing. |
Computing |
To learn how emails work. Learn how to open and send an email. To concentrate on the coding and control element of the national curriculum. Research for geography and history. |
Art |
Picture This – painting. 3D modelling and collage work. London topic work. |
Music |
Singing: develop repertoire of songs including songs about London. Develop circle games. Learning the Tin Whistle. |
P.E. & Games |
Dance: explore moods, feeling, respond to music. Gymnastics-Linking and repeating actions on floor and apparatus, work on different heights and levels. Simple games in pairs and teams. |
Religious Education |
The Good News. The Mass. |
Spanish |
Learn about a famous Spanish festival ‘San Fermin’. Days of the week, months of the year and seasons. Weather vocabulary and phrases. |