Year 2 - Summer
Mathematics |
Multiplication and Division (including 2, 5 and 10 times tables). Fractions: Recognise, find and name 1/3, ¼, 2/4 and ¾ of a length, shape, set of objects or quantity. Solving problems involving multiplication and division. Measures: Time – to be able to tell the time to the nearest 15 minutes, including quarter past and to the hour. Know how many minutes in an hour and the number of hours in a day, clockwise and anticlockwise. Measures: Capacity and measure – Read scales in divisions of ones, twos, fives and tens, compare and order length and mass, choose and use appropriate standards of measure. Partitioning 2-digit numbers in different ways, addition and subtraction of two 2 digit numbers using different methods, solving problems involving addition and subtraction. Money: recognition of coins up to £2 and finding different ways of making amounts, calculating change. Solving problems in the context of money. Revision of 2D and 3D shapes and their properties. Statistics: Interpret and construct pictograms, tally charts, block diagrams and simple tables. Position and Direction: quarter, half and three quarter turns |
Literacy |
Cursive Handwriting - upper and lower case, joined up writing. Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar - phonic blends, capital letters and full stops, question marks, apostrophes, adjectives, questions and commands, present tense and past tense, noun phrases, contractions, conjunctions, subordination. Writing-. Poetry- nonsense poems, tongue twisters, rhyming and alliteration. Features of persuasive writing, research on different authors, character profile writing, non- chronological report writing. |
Science |
The Apprentice Gardener: Growing seeds and caring for different plants. Our Changing World: Investigating habitats, looking at how animals change and grow. |
Design and Technology |
Making puppets using sewing skills Creating a ‘Stop Motion Animation’ using a scene which they have designed. |
Humanities |
Investigating a nearby seaside town – Southend ( fact finding about activities/events held there and comparison to Enfield) Seaside towns in the past compared to modern day seaside towns. The Worlds continents and oceans Our local environment. |
Computing |
We are researchers: Creating a fact file about mini beasts using different programs. Espresso Coding. Stop motion animation. |
Art |
Sculpture: St George and the Dragon Art work linked to Seaside Topic in Humanities |
Music |
Learning how to play the recorder, increasing repertoire. Singing games |
P.E. & Games |
Cultural dance Gymnastics: spinning and turning Hitting and Striking a ball Running, jumping and hopping. |
Eastertide: Ascension and Pentecost The Church is Born: Early Christian community. |
French | Fruit, vegetables, animals, seaside holidays. |