Year 4 - Autumn
Mathematics |
Place value – comparing and ordering 4-digit numbers Addition and subtraction - using mental addition and subtraction to solve one and two step word problems, addition and subtraction of 3-digit numbers using the formal written method. Multiplication and division – learning facts for the 6, 7, 9, 11 and 12 times tables. Using the expanded written method for TO x O. Geometry - symmetry of 2D shapes and reflection. Using coordinates to translate shapes on a grid. Fractions and decimals - recognising equivalent fractions, comparing and rounding decimals to one decimal place, estimating and comparing mass using decimals. Time - converting time between analogue and digital. |
Literacy |
Weekly spellings. Comprehension activities. Grammar focus - punctuation, use of nouns/adjectives/similes, verbs and adverbs, homophones, prepositions, pronouns, direct speech. Fiction – stories in familiar settings, descriptive writing. Stories that raise issues. Non-fiction - features of instructional writing, imperative verbs. Play scripts – role-play, reading and writing own play scripts. Poetry – identifying features and patterns, focus on language and form. Writing own poems. |
Science |
Electricity and Sound What types of materials conduct electricity? How does a circuit work? What does a switch do? How are sounds made? How do sounds travel? |
Design and Technology |
Roman pottery. Design a Roman dish using repeated patterns and Roman images. |
History |
Invaders and Settlers - The Romans Empire Why did the Romans invade Britain? British resistance to the invasion attempts. Roman soldiers, what they wore, how they fought. Roman roads, Roman society in Britain. |
Geography |
Local area geography – Enfield. using maps to identify streets, key parts of town Use map to plan a visit around the local area. Grid references, eight point compass work Use symbols and keys in Digi maps- related to ordinance survey |
Computing |
Internet safety Programming: introduction to variables, repetition and loops. |
Art |
Self-portraits (Historical) – analysing features, shading techniques Design and make a Roman coin using a profile portrait sketch. |
Music |
Listening to music of a variety of styles e.g. the flight of the bumblebee. Singing rounds. Learning to read music and continuing to play the recorder. |
PE & Games |
Gymnastics – balancing. Travel - paired sequences using mats, stools, benches. Creating a sequence on the apparatus. Refining/improving sequences |
Spanish |
Modes of transport vocabulary, grammar focus on the verb 'to go', article and gender agreement. |
R.E. |
The Bible – What is the Bible? Abraham – the challenges and blessings he experienced, God’s plan for Joseph. Moses and life in Egypt, King David – his trust in God. Trust in God – The importance of trust, God’s promise to Zechariah, What can we learn from Mary and Joseph and their trust in God, The mystery of the Trinity and the Incarnation. |