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St. George’s Catholic Primary School

St. George’s
Catholic Primary School

Year 5 - Summer


Number and place value: 6-Digit ordering and rounding including numbers problems and Roman Numerals; Addition and subtraction: mental and written methods including money (and decimals); solve worded questions including all four operations and use estimating and the inverse to check results; Geometry: Properties of shape; diagonal and angles of polygons; Position and direction: reflections, (up to four-way reflections); lines of symmetry; reflecting shapes using co-ordinates; Multiplication and division using efficient methods as well as other methods including partitioning, the grid method and the expanded method; solving multiplication calculations including the measurement of money; division including decimals remainders, fraction remainders and rounding after remainders; Fractions: improper and mixed number fractions; multiplying proper and mixed number fractions;  Measurement: perimeter and area; volume and capacity: converting between capacities including pints to litres; volume of cuboids; Percentages including fractions and decimals; Statistics: data in tables; time graphs and presenting data.


Recount. Older literature.  Poetic style and choral performance.  Debates.  Film. Library Skills..


All living things and their habitats.  Animals including humans.


Crime & Punishment from the Anglo Saxon to the present.


Biomes/vegetation belts/natural resources.


We are architects – using 3d design software. Cryptographers.


Landscape Artists and Painting.


We are plant protection designers.


Singing – increasing their repertoire.  Cyclic rhythm patterns and notation reading. How music is composed from different stimuli.  Focus on Programme. Music - Peter and The Wolf and The Sorcerer’s Apprentice.  Composing their own programme music.

P.E. & Games

Development of skills. Striking and fielding. Outdoor adventure activities.  Swimming (5F and 5K).  Dance – Formations in Historical Dance; Sports Day Dance.


Talking about my family.  Transport.


Being Healthy. Puberty. Drug Education. Y5 School Journey to HYMB.


Easter.  Life in the Risen Jesus.  People of Other Faiths.

St. George’s Catholic Primary School
Gordon Road, Enfield EN2 0QA

Tel: 0208 363 3729
Fax: 0208 367 2275