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School Building Fund

The school building fund contributions are now due for this term. Contributions are £15 per family per term, £45 for a family for the whole year. Thank you to those who have already paid.

For more information on why we need a school building fund, please see below.

Payments for the school building fund can be made via your ParentPay account. Alternatively, please send your donations to the school office in an envelope marked ‘For the attention of Finance Governor’ with the child’s name and class. Cheques should be made payable to ‘St George’s School, Governors Account.’

If you would like to pay by standing order, please complete the form below. Return it to school and we will forward it to your bank. You may pay yearly or termly, whichever is most convenient.

If you sign a Gift Aid Form for your donations, the school benefits. Please complete and return the Gift Aid Form below.
Parents are reminded to inform the school office if their tax status should change.

More information: Why do we need a School Building Fund?

Most parents decide to send their children to a Catholic school because they know that their child will be educated in a Catholic environment and because they they can be confident that the school will provide an excellent education.

The quality of Catholic schools is such that the Government have granted many of them ‘voluntary aided’ status. This means that although the schools are in the state system, we can retain our traditions and organise the school on the basis of the teachings of the Church. But, in return, we are required by law to raise 10% of the cost of developing and maintaining the school buildings.

St Georges is a voluntary-aided school. This means that while most of our income is derived from local Government funds, as a Catholic school, we must contribute 10% of the cost for major improvements and for the maintenance of our school buildings. If the money is not raised, the work cannot be undertaken.

Through the contribution of families and the generous support of parents to the School Building Fund we have together been able to provide the facilities that the children now benefit from in our school. Recent projects include the replacement of our ageing school boiler system. Over the past few years the funds have been also used to assist with the capital programmes including the refurbishment of the scout hut, a new fire alarm system, new fencing, remodelling the early years building, assisting with development of the new entrance via Cheviot Close and also remodelling the toilet block.

There is an ever continuing need to refurbish our existing facilities to meet the requirements of today’s education standards and improve the learning environment of the school for the benefit of all the children, staff and parents.