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Year 1 - Spring





Number & Place Value - Identify one more and one less of a number.To define odd and even numbers and determine wherever a number is odd or even.Shape patterns. Solving one step problems involving addition and subtraction (including money)

Addition & Subtraction – Recall addition facts to 10 and 20.  To add and subtract 1 digit and 2 digit numbers to 20. Adding and subtracting zero.

Geometry - To recognise and name common 3D shapes in different orientations and sizes.  To differentiate between 2D and 3D shapes.

Multiplication- Counting in 2’s, 5’s and 10’s and making connections between arrays and number patterns.

Measurement - Time: To read and understand times to the hour and half past the hour.  Identify and name the days of the week, months of year and year numbers. Mass: To Weigh objects using scales.To compare the weight of different objects in class.

Fractions - To recognise, find and name a half as one or two equal parts of an object, shape or quantity. To understand that two equal halves make a whole.


Reading and comprehension - Discussing the significance of the title and events.  Making inferences on the basis of what is being said and done.

Recount - Weekly news writing wher children writhe about their weekend.

Fiction - Traditional Tales – The Three Little Pigs, Goldilocks and The Three Bears and The Little Red Hen.

Non- Fiction - Dictionary work (Alphabetical order).

Poetry - Poems on a theme. Children will be learning, reciting and writing poetry.

Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar. Focus on capital letters, full stops, question marks and exclamation marks.

Phonics: Letters and Sounds and Jolly Phonics.  Phase 2 – Phase 5.

Handwriting - Continuing to join letters, such as digraphs and trigraphs.


Materials - Sorting and Using Materials. 

Sorting and Identifying materials including metal, plastic wood and rock, brick, glass and water.Is all fabric the same? Stretchy and Flexible materials. Waterproof materials and Ice.  Is all paper the same?

Seasonal changes - Observe changes across the four seasons. Observe and describe weather associated with the seasons. Understanding of how day length varies.


Colours and the Spanish alphabet. Reading a traditional story in Spanish to help learn how to say where you are from and where you live. 



Geography: Study of a non-European country (Australia) To be able to use world maps, atlases and globes to name, locate and identify the chosen area (Australia) in relation to the United Kingdom and the rest of the world e.g. continents and oceans. Comparing Australia to the United Kingdom, including climate and weather, physical features and landscapes and animals.

History: The lives of significant individuals in the past. Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole. To understand the important roles of a nurse in the past and present.



“We are Treasure Hunters”: - To produce sequence of instructions that will move a programmable toy along a given route.

Espresso Coding - To understand that when a computer does something it is following instructions called code.

*Recapping online safety each half term.*


Design and Technology -  Spring 1 - Children will design and make a 3D house for the Three Little Pigs.

Art - Spring 2 - Studying the work of artist Paul Klee. Paul Klee designs and choices of colour in his work. Children will design and make an Easter Card, using the work of artist Paul Klee as an inspiration. Drawing a sculpture using a graphite pencil.


SongSack project with Enfield Music Service. Children to perform to parents at the end of term.

P.E. & Games

PE: Dance - Perform basic body actions, Perform a sequence with clear beginning, middle and end. Describe how their lungs and heart and work when dancing.

Games: Creating games



Families and Celebrations – What we like to do with our family, The Presentation of Jesus in the Temple, how we show our love for Jesus to others, Jesus being lost and found in the Temple, Church, Baptism.

Following  Jesus – How Jesus chose some of his Disciples, how he taught the Disciples to pray, The Good Samaritan, Palm Sunday, Good Friday.


Mental and emotional wellbeing: Looking at Fixed and Growth Mindset.What can we do to look after our mental health? (Link with Physical health)

Living in the Wider World: Learning how they can contribute to the life of the classroom, understanding the needs of others, the groups and communities we belong to, what improves and harms our local environment and the purpose of money and the role money plays in our lives.

St. George’s Catholic Primary School
Gordon Road, Enfield EN2 0QA

Tel: 0208 363 3729
Fax: 0208 367 2275