Home School Agreement
At St George’s we believe that pupils achieve most when parents and staff value and respect each other, share common aims and work together towards the same goals. These are detailed below in our home/ school agreement.
The Parents will:
- regularly attend Mass and support the school in maintaining its Catholic ethos
- see that my child goes to school regularly, on time and properly equipped
- let the school know about any concerns or problems that might affect my child’s work or behaviour
- inform the school of my concerns by speaking to my child’s class teacher in the first instance, in a calm and courteous manner at an agreed time
- support my child in homework and other opportunities for learning
- attend parents’ evenings and discussions about my child’s progress
- get to know about my child’s life at the school
- support the school’s policy on uniform and behaviour
- support sporting activities in a good spirit
- inform the school immediately if my contact details change e.g. address/ mobile phone number
The School will:
- maintain the Catholic ethos of the school
- let parents know about any concerns that affect their child’s work or behaviour
- ensure that parents concerns are dealt with in accordance with the guidelines, as set out in the Complaints Procedure
- keep parents informed about school activities through regular emailed letters home, weekly newsletters and notices about special events
- set homework in accordance with the homework policy
- arrange parent consultations, during which progress will be discussed
- send home an annual report to parents
- arrange general information evenings
- contact parents if there is a problem with attendance, punctuality, equipment or uniform