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Year 4 - Spring


Order and compare numbers beyond 1000.  Estimate and use inverse operations to check answers to a calculation.  Solve addition and subtraction two-step problems in contexts.  Identify acute and obtuse angles in 2-D shapes.  Recognise multiples of 25, 100 and 1000. Multiply a one-digit number by a multiple of 10. Use a written method to calculate multiplication of TO × O and HTO X O. Solve word problems and reason mathematically. Use place value to find 1/10 or 1/100 of an amount.  Convert between different units of measure.  Use the formal written method of columnar addition to add 4 digit numbers.  Interpret and present data using pictograms, bar charts and time graphs. Recognise the link between fractions and decimal fractions.  Recognise decimals with two decimal places.   Use the rule P = 2(a+b) to calculate perimeter. Find the area of a shape by multiplying the number of squares in a row by the number of columns.


Sci-fi stories (The Iron Man), stories set in an imaginary world (The Ice Palace), explanation texts, recounts and persuasive writing (advertisements), spelling, reading and comprehension, speaking and listening, handwriting, grammar, performance poetry.


States of Matter – identify properties of solids and liquids, planning a fair test, collecting and interpreting data, exploring melting and freezing, investigating air/drying, exploring evaporation, condensation and the water cycle.

Religious Education

Jesus the Teacher – To reflect on the importance of the birth of Jesus for us. To know that Mary and Joseph took Jesus to the temple. To reflect on the story of Jesus being found in the temple. To know about Jesus’ baptism.  To know that Jesus called people to follow him.  To reflect on the meaning of the parable of the Sower.

Jesus, The Saviour – To know that Jesus is truly God and as a man, truly human.  To understand the meaning of Lent.  To learn about the importance of Holy week.  To reflect on the suffering of Jesus and understand why he died on the cross.  To know what happened on Easter Sunday.

Art & Design

Rhe study and painting in the style of Claude Monet, Still Life/ Brazilian artwork (Romero Britto).

Design and Technology Roman mosaics- exploration through paper and tile, creating a stained glass window


'Tell me a story'- Developing reading and listening skills by listening to and reading a well-known traditional tale in Spanish.  Learn how to use a bilingual dictionary to create sentences to describe characters from a story. Understand how adjectives are used in Spanish. Work in small groups to develop writing skills by creating alternative versions of the story in Spanish.                                 


History unit: Romanisation of Britain

Geography unit: North and South America


Composing music using ICT, creating web pages using HTML


Enfield Sings.  Workshops and performance. 

History of Composers – Manuel de Falla and Zoltan Kodaly.  Instrument Families. 

Pentatonic Scale.

PSHCE Enfield Sings – celebrating in song (Team building, performing, fundraising)
Self awareness, managing feelings, empathy for others, self motivation.

P.E. & Games

Ability to play invasion games with simple rules and create own movements. Gymnastics – balance – receiving body weight.  Interpretive dance and characterisation – link to Romans topic

St. George’s Catholic Primary School
Gordon Road, Enfield EN2 0QA

Tel: 0208 363 3729
Fax: 0208 367 2275