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Year 4 - Summer


Number and Place value: including counting backwards through to negative numbers, rounding to the nearest 100 and 1000, reading Roman numerals to 100 and solving word problems with increasingly larger numbers and representing answers using bar modelling. 

Addition and subtraction: including adding and subtracting up to 4 digits using columnar addition and subtraction, estimating and using the inverse to check answers and solving problems involving money.

Multiplication and division: including multiplying a 3-digit number by a 1 digit number using the formal written layout and short division. 

Measurement: including calculating perimeter and area by using simple formulae or counting squares and calculating volume and capacity.

Decimals: including comparing decimal numbers with up to 2 decimal places and recognising decimal equivalents of any number of tenths and hundredths, rounding decimals with up to 1 decimal place to the nearest whole number and solving simple measure and money problems involving fractions and decimals to 2 decimal places.

Position and direction: including describing the position of a coordinate on a 2D grid in the first quadrant and plotting points to complete a given polygon.

Fractions: including adding and subtracting fractions with the same denominator, showing using diagrams families of common equivalent fractions and solving money problems involving fractions.

Statistics: including presenting discrete and continuous data using bar charts and time graphs.


Spelling,  writing for variety of purposes, reading and comprehension, speaking and listening and handwriting. Genres covered will be stories with historical settings- ‘The Butterfly Lion’ by Michael Morpurgo, oral storytelling, poetry, recounts - newspaper reports, information texts (non-fiction), non-chronological reports and story writing using visual stimuli.


Animals including humans. This topic will include learning about where our food goes after we have eaten it, what types of teeth we have and how we can look after our teeth, what do animals eat and how teeth of animals differ depending on their diet. Living things and their habitats will include the impact humans have on the environment, learning about food chains and what happens to them when they break down, grouping vertebrates and invertebrates.

Design and Technology

Designing and making a Rosary Purse using fabrics, buttons and blanket stitching.


Local history study (Forty Hall). To learn about when Forty was built and the famous residents who lived there.


Understanding human geography – settlement and land use, economic activity and trade links.


We are meteorologists (using Microsoft Excel to create spreadsheets and graphs) We are co-authors (using Microsoft PowerPoint to create a slideshow).


Habitat Boxes linking with our science topic on Living things and their habitats. St George’s art competition.


Singing increasing repertoire including songs about Vikings. Maintain an independent part in performance. Discriminate between similar sounding instruments. Using poetry to inspire use of percussion instruments.

P.E. & Games

Learning and performing the Olympic dance (learning a simple sequence to music). Athletics in preparation for sports day.  Ability to play games with simple rules.


The Early Christians including learning about how Jesus made Peter head of the church, learning about Saul and reflecting on how God brings good from evil, to know the challenges of being an apostle, to learn about Paul’s missionary journeys and to know that the church began at Pentecost.  Belonging to the Church including understanding how we are part of the church’s family, learning how the church is ‘Good News’ for people, learning about God’s call to individuals and deepening our understanding of Mary our mother.


Carnival of the Animals- to learn the names of some animals and be able to describe them. 
Art – to learn about a famous Spanish painter 'Salvador Dali' and surrealism. 

Sporting Life- to learn the names of some sports in Spanish and the verbs 'to do' and 'to play'

St. George’s Catholic Primary School
Gordon Road, Enfield EN2 0QA

Tel: 0208 363 3729
Fax: 0208 367 2275