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Year 5 - Autumn


Number and place value: (Using numbers up to 10000000), Read, write, order and compare numbers; count forwards and backwards in powers of 10; round numbers to the nearest 10,100 and1000;

Addition and Subtraction: Add and subtract numbers mentally with increasingly large numbers; solve multi-step problems, choosing which operation to use and why;  Use formal addition method for 5-digit numbers; use estimate and approximation to check calculations;

 Multiplication and Division: work mentally drawing on known facts; multiply and divide whole numbers by 10, 100 and 1000; multiply numbers up to 4 digits by one - digit number using a formal written method; recognise and use square numbers and cube numbers, and the notation for squared (2) and cubed (3); Identify multiples and factors, including finding all factor pairs of a number, and common factors of two numbers; know and use the vocabulary of prime numbers, prime factors and composite (non-prime) numbers.  

Properties of shape: identify 3-D shapes, including cubes and cuboids and their 2-D representation

Position and Direction: translation of 2-D shapes; recognise and describe the position after translation using co-ordinates;

Fractions: find fractions of numbers and quantities; count forward and back in fractions; recognise fraction sequences and identify the term; identity, name and write equivalent fractions; represent fractions visually; compare and order fractions whose denominators are all multiples of the same number;

Decimals: Read and write decimals as fractions; round decimals with 2 decimal places to one decimal place; recognise and describe linear number sequences involving decimals and find the rule;

 Measurement – Mass: convert between units of mass; know approximate equivalents between metric and common imperial units; use all four operations to solve problems using decimal notation, including scaling.



Novels and stories by significant children’s authors.

Older literature.

Traditional stories, fables, myths and legends.


Dramatic conventions and performances.

Classic poetry.


Properties and changes of materials – materials properties and links to purpose, separating solids and liquids, sieving, filtering, dissolving and evaporating.

Forces – introduction, including focus on pulleys, levers and gears.


Internet safety; Emotional Health; Dealing with bullying; Crime and Weapons.


Anglo Saxons; kingdoms and movement, villages and farming, lifestyle, religion and artefacts.

UK Mapping; countries, counties, towns, cities and geographical features in the UK. Introducing ordnance survey maps, symbols and 4 figure grid references.


Internet safety,  We are photographers,  We are cryptographers.            



Design and Technology

Making biscuits.


Identifying how music can be used descriptively, recognising the musical elements and how they can be used descriptively.

Continue to develop their singing voices through awareness of control and rhythm.  Learning how to read music notation and playing the tin whistle.  

P.E. & Games

Gymnastics; Athletics,Swimming .

Outdoor Games.


Vocabulary focus –names of places in a city/town and directions, describing a journey to school.

Grammar focus : articles, nouns and gender agreement verbs ‘There is /There are’.

Intercultural Understanding : Christmas in Spain / Mexican celebration ‘El dia de los muertos’


Creation; Genesis creation, Adam and Eve, original sin, stewards of the Earth and God’s great helpers and our gifts from God.

God’s Covenants; Noah, Abraham, Moses, the Ten Commandments.

Advent/Christmas; prophets, New Covenant.

St. George’s Catholic Primary School
Gordon Road, Enfield EN2 0QA

Tel: 0208 363 3729
Fax: 0208 367 2275