Year 5 - Summer
Mathematics |
Number and place value: 6-Digit ordering and rounding including numbers problems and Roman Numerals; Addition and subtraction: mental and written methods including money (and decimals); solve worded questions including all four operations and use estimating and the inverse to check results; Geometry: Properties of shape; diagonal and angles of polygons; Position and direction: reflections, (up to four-way reflections); lines of symmetry; reflecting shapes using co-ordinates; Multiplication and division using efficient methods as well as other methods including partitioning, the grid method and the expanded method; solving multiplication calculations including the measurement of money; division including decimals remainders, fraction remainders and rounding after remainders; Fractions: improper and mixed number fractions; multiplying proper and mixed number fractions; Measurement: perimeter and area; volume and capacity: converting between capacities including pints to litres; volume of cuboids; Percentages including fractions and decimals; Statistics: data in tables; time graphs and presenting data. |
Literacy |
Recount. Older literature. Poetic style and choral performance. Debates. Film. Library Skills.. |
Science |
All living things and their habitats. Animals including humans. |
History |
Crime & Punishment from the Anglo Saxon to the present. |
Geography |
Biomes/vegetation belts/natural resources. |
Computing |
We are architects – using 3d design software. Cryptographers. |
Art |
Landscape Artists and Painting. |
D&T |
We are plant protection designers. |
Music |
Singing – increasing their repertoire. Cyclic rhythm patterns and notation reading. How music is composed from different stimuli. Focus on Programme. Music - Peter and The Wolf and The Sorcerer’s Apprentice. Composing their own programme music. |
P.E. & Games |
Development of skills. Striking and fielding. Outdoor adventure activities. Swimming (5F and 5K). Dance – Formations in Historical Dance; Sports Day Dance. |
French |
Talking about my family. Transport. |
Being Healthy. Puberty. Drug Education. Y5 School Journey to HYMB. |
RE |
Easter. Life in the Risen Jesus. People of Other Faiths. |