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Spring Term 1: Houses and Homes

Spring Term 2: Change
Personal, Social and Emotional Development

Forming positive relationships with adults and children. Playing co-operatively together and taking turns with others and sharing activities.

Taking account of one another’s ideas and taking steps to resolve conflicts. 

Describing self in positive terms and developing confidence to speak in front of a group.   Being able to ask for help when needed and to develop to confidence to try new activities.

Developing an understanding of feelings, behaviour and consequences. To adjust their behaviour to different situations and changes of routine.

Showing respect for property - tidying activities.

Knowledge and Understanding of the World

Using small world toys and construction toys to tell stories and communicate understanding of the world around us.

Using a range of programmable toys (Bee Bots) and ICT equipment to encourage speculation on the reasons why things happen or how things work.

Teach and encourage children to click on different icons to cause thing to happen in a computer program. (ICT Room)

Use of the Interactive Whiteboard in class to support learning.

Planting and growing opportunities in the garden area to observe and examine the changes over time and investigate the natural world.

Using a range of different equipment in cooking activities and observing how the ingredients change throughout the process. Discussing the importance of a healthy diet.

Looking at butterflies caterpillars & frogs and their life cycles.

Observing and recording the weather and the different changes we see.

Walk around the local area to look at the different features of houses and homes.

To look at the features of different materials and think about why we use certain materials for building houses.

Expressive Arts and Design

Singing songs, performing with actions, exploring the different sounds of instruments and thinking of different ways to move to the music.

Making own musical instruments (shakers)

Exploring colour and texture using a variety of mediums.

Choosing particular colours for a purpose.

Using pastels to create spring pictures.

Observing the changes when we mix colours.

Using tools and techniques appropriately and effectively.

3D model of houses and homes using junk modelling and a variety of materials.  Using puppets and role play to introduce stories and narrative to their play.


Number: Through practical activities both self-initiated and adult lead/directed.  Continue and to consolidate numbers within 10 then onto 20. Including Numeral recognition and recording, counting objects using 1:1 correspondence. Finds the total of items in two groups with the introduction to addition and subtraction using practical resources and mathematical language to begin to understand and read simple number sentences (eg. One add one equals two 1+1=2).

Developing mathematical language such as fewer, less than. More than.

Shape, space and measure:  To begin to use mathematical names for 2d and 3d shapes and mathematical terms to describe each shape. Begin to understand and use positional language. Pattern making and understanding to enable to order and sequence familiar events including the days of the week. Being able to order many items by length, weight/capacity. Measure short periods of time in simple ways.     

Physical Development

During child initiated activities, direct teaching/learning including PE and games lessons playtime and garden activities children will experiment with different ways of moving whilst negotiating space adjusting speed or change of direction, jumping off objects and landing appropriately. Shows increasing control over an object in pushing, patting, throwing, catching or kicking it. Travel with confidence under, over, through different obstacles. Whilst showing an understanding of the need for safety when tackling new challenges and understanding how to manage some risks.

Continue to develop skills to enable them to hold and use a pencil to form correctly formed letters. Also able to use different tools confidently and safely such as scissors.

Communication Language and Literacy

Speaking: begin to use more vocabulary to develop more complex sentences to link thoughts i.e because. Also including using a range of tenses such as played, playing and will played. This will also include beginning to help introduce a storyline or narrative into their play whilst linking statements and sticks to a main theme or intention.

Listening, attention and understanding: listen and respond to others ideas in conversation and discussions as one to one or in small groups. Able to listen and follow more increasing stepped instructions/directions. To listen to and follow different text/stories with or without pictures including fiction, non-fiction and poems. 

Reading: using and developing skills in hearing and saying initial sounds in words. Moving onto reading words and simple sentences, including tricky and high frequency words. Continuing to use the Ginn 360 scheme to build on reading vocabulary. Encourage enjoyment of increasing range of books.

Writing: beginning to record sounds heard in words using some identifiable letters. Beginning to write short sentences in different type of writing scenarios, e.g news writing, story recall and story writing.  Encourage the use of word cards when appropriate.

Phonics: to continue using Jolly Phonics with letters and sounds phase 3 and 3 including blending and segmenting.

Religious Education

Getting to know Jesus: to begin to understand Jesus’ life including choosing his disciples, miracles he performed and how he loves us all.

Sorrow and joy. To begin to understand Lent and the Easter story.

St. George’s Catholic Primary School
Gordon Road, Enfield EN2 0QA

Tel: 0208 363 3729
Fax: 0208 367 2275